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Town and Country Planning Association

The Town and Country Planning Association’s (TCPA) vision is for homes, places and communities in which everyone can thrive. Our mission is to challenge, inspire and support people to create healthy, sustainable and resilient places that are fair for everyone.

Our strategic priorities are to:

  • work to secure a good home for everyone in inclusive, resilient and prosperous communities, which support people to live healthier lives;
  • empower people to have real influence over decisions about their environments and to secure social justice within and between communities; and
  • support new places and transform existing places to be adaptable to current and future challenges, including the climate crisis.

The TCPA has extensive experience of facilitating collaboration between public health teams, planners, councillors, businesses and others, to understand the health of local populations and to work together to create places that support good health and reduce health inequalities.

Contact info

Town and Country Planning Association People

Julia Thrift
Julia Thrift
Director of healthy place making, Town and Country Planning Association, UK
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